Terence Cave

"Far other worlds, and other seas"
Thinking with Literature in the Twenty-First Century

2009 Balzan Prizewinner

2015, cm 17 x 24, 82 pp. con 6 tavv. f.t. a colori.

ISBN: 9788822264077

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Dopo aver delineato il perimetro entro il quale si è svolto il lavoro del progetto interdisciplinare Balzan «La Letteratura come Oggetto della Conoscenza» (St. John’s College Research Centre, Oxford, 2010-2013), Cave prende in esame alcuni aspetti della ricerca, in particolare la relazione fra studi letterari e scienze cognitive. La Lecture si concentra sui testi letterari, letti con un approccio cognitivo, per offrire una nuova prospettiva sulla materia di cui è fatta la letteratura.

Terence Cave
Terence Cave is Emeritus Professor of French Literature in the University of Oxford and Emeritus Research Fellow of St John’s College, Oxford. Fellow of the British Academy and member of numerous learned societies, he was recently named Commander of the Order of the British Empire. Known for his studies The Cornucopian Text: Problems of Writing in the French Renaissance (Clarendon Press, 1979) and Recognitions: A Study in Poetics (Oxford University Press, 1988), he has also written widely on early modern French literature and on the history of poetics. After being awarded the 2009 Balzan Prize for Literature since 1500, he was director of the Balzan interdisciplinary project ‘Literature as an Object of Knowledge’ (St. John›s College Research Centre, Oxford, 2010-2013), and in that context is exploring the value of cognitive approaches to literary study. - (settembre 2015) -

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