Benjamin Furly 1646-1714
A quaker merchant and his milieu

A cura di Sarah Hutton

2007, cm 15 x 22, viii-278 pp.

ISBN: 9788822257130

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La miscellanea prende in esame i molteplici interessi e le attività del mercante quacchero Benjamin Furly (1636-1714). Collezionista di libri, difensore della libertà religiosa, politico radicale, Furly fu al centro di una rete di relazioni che includeva John Locke, Anthony Ashley Cooper, Pierre Bayle, William Penn e John Toland. Sono inoltre pubblicati, per la prima volta, alcuni testi relativi alla celebre «hat controversy» in cui Furly prese le difese del quacchero radicale John Perrot.

Sarah Hutton
Sarah Hutton is a graduate of New Hall, Cambridge and The Warburg Institute, University of London. She currently holds a Chair at Aberystwyth University. She has published extensively on seventeenth century intellectual history, and has special interests in the Cambridge Platonists and early
modern women thinkers. Her books include, Anne Conway. A Woman Philosopher (CUP, 2004), Newtonand Newtonianism (edited with James E. Force, Kluwer, 2004), Platonism and the English Imagination(edited with Anna Baldwin, CUP, 1994), and an edition of Ralph Cudworth’s Treatise Concerning Eternal and Immutable Morality (CUP, 1996). She is Director of the series International Archives of the History of Ideas/Archives internationales d’histoire des idées.

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