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Lola Kantor-Kazovsky
Lola Kantor-Kazovsky was born in 1957 in Moscow and studied art history at Moscow University. She worked as a curator in the Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts and wrote on 18th century European art, as well as on contemporary artists. Since 1992 she has been living in Jerusalem, where she wrote her doctorate on Piranesi with late Prof. Moshe Barasch. She currently is a lecturer in art history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Her publications include articles on architectural history, on European art and architecture as reflected in the poetry of Mandelötam and on Russian non-conformist art.
Pocket Library of Studies in Art, vol. 36
2006, cm 15 x 21, 314 pp. con 65 ill. f.t. English Text.
ISBN: 9788822254764
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