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Maurizio Burlamacchi
Maurizio Burlamacchi è nato nel 1930 da una antica famiglia lucchese. Bibliofilo e collezionista è un esperto di incunaboli e altri libri antichi. Ha pubblicato un libro sulle antiche terme lucchesi e tenuto conferenze su argomenti storici. Nel 2006 è stato accolto nell’Ordine di Malta quale Cavaliere di Onore e Devozione.
Maurizio Burlamacchi was born in 1930 from an ancient family of Lucca. As a bibliophile and collector he is an expert on early printed editions. He has published a book on the spas of Lucca, and has given lectures on historical subjects. In 2006 he was accepted into the Order of Malta as a Knight of Honour and Devotion. - (maggio 2013) -
Maurizio Burlamacchi was born in 1930 from an ancient family of Lucca. As a bibliophile and collector he is an expert on early printed editions. He has published a book on the spas of Lucca, and has given lectures on historical subjects. In 2006 he was accepted into the Order of Malta as a Knight of Honour and Devotion. - (maggio 2013) -
Biblioteca dell'«Archivum Romanicum». Serie I: Storia, Letteratura, Paleografia, vol. 418
2013, cm 17 x 24, x-76 pp. con 13 tavv. f.t. di cui 9 a colori.
ISBN: 9788822262479
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